Warwick Hospital

2591 days ago

My father...complications emerge

The news from Warwick Hospital I was rather dreading came through an hour or so ago..there have been complications at around lunchtime today. I will not go into details as they are, as my father would say, not the sort of thing a gentleman discusses in public. 


2593 days ago

Saying Goodbye to my father...but, thank God, that was only a dress rehearsal: Good News from Warwick Hospital

The operation was set to start at noon so I headed in to see my father for quarter past eleven. In he wandered on his crutches wearing the most ridiculous surgical stockings and dressing gown. His garb invited ridicule but given the gravity of what was to happen I held back. 


2614 days ago

My father is now reading the book which is a thick tome with a picture of our Greatest ever PM on the cover. He worries that the greedy doctors will not treat him if they see this reading matter but I tell him to blame it on his ghastly right wing son.

The real bonus is that, when he gets home the book will sit on the table next to where he sits all day together with
books written by TJ Winnifrith, the half finished ( it soon will be) bottle of red and semi read Guardians. Tomorrow one of my uber PC sisters is due to pitch up and will be horriffied by this new reading material. God Bless Lady Thatcher! 60p well spent." target="_new">Buying my father a book at Warwick Hospital, 60p well spent to annoy my sisters, God Bless Lady Thatcher

We are waiting at Warwick Hospital for a scan and to help pay the bloated wages of the greedy doctors there is a mini second hand bookstore - buy any volume for just 50p. I spot Margaret Thatcher, the Downing Street Years and hand over three 20p pieces saying "keep the change". Bargain and double bargain.
